Session: -

ސެޝަން: -

Medium of Instruction: English

ކިޔަވައިދޭ ބަސް: އިނގިރޭސި

Course Duration: 3 Years

ކޯހުގެ މުއްދަތު: 3 އަހަރު

MNQF Level: 10

އެމްއެންކިއުއެފް ލެވެލް: 10

Course Fee: MVR 118725

ކޯހުގެ ފީ: MVR 118725

Kulliyah / Centre: Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Studies

ކުއްލިއާ / ސެންޓަރ: ކުއްލިއްޔާ އޮފް އެކޮނޮމިކްސް އެންޑް މެނޭޖްމެންޓް ސްޓަޑީޒް

Available Campuses:

ކިޔަވައިދޭ ކެމްޕަސްތައް:

މާލެ ކެމްޕަސް

A master's degree in management or leadership or business-related field.

IELTS band 6.0 should be obtained to join the program 


Should produce institutional evidence that they have completed their bachelor's or postgraduate studies in English Medium.