A Remark from Controller of Examinations
Assalaam Alaikum.
It is with great pleasure that I introduce the Exam Department of Islamic University of Maldives. The Exam Department is a recent addition to the University’s official structure and is a testament to the progress happening at IUM to thrive as a leading university.
The formation of a segregated Exam Department has many merits including developing standards to effectively assess the students and enhance the potential to develop quality graduates. In fact, Exam Department remains one of the central pillars of any University to nurture integrity towards the university and enhance the potential for students. It is with this premise that Exam Department IUM is endeavouring and our priority is to develop rigour, standards, trust and recognition in the domain.
In the evolving landscape in academia all around the world, many opportunities remain to abound to promote quality assessment. It is our goal to promote technology and modern assessment methods to facilitate quality assessments and assessments for diverse students needs.
In addition, Exam Department success is also contingent on the effective contribution of academics, committees instituted within the University’s governance, IUM’s leadership and the multitude of external stakeholders it engages with. Our aim is to meaningfully navigate our formal interactions with these parties and navigate towards successful outcomes.
The Exam Department remain resolute to being an effective contributor to IUM’s success. We hope to become a centre of excellence in assessment and an emblem of hope for intellectual curiosity.
Dr. Aishath Waheeda
Controller of Examination and Evaluation

• You are required to attend at least 80% of the total number of classes in each module.
• If you fail to meet this attendance requirement, you will not be allowed to do the final examinations.
• However, if you are unable to attend classes for genuine reasons, attendance will be considered upon submission of supporting documents along with a request for a leave of absence.
• You should always have Student ID card when you come to the exam hall and show the card when requested by staff.
• You can apply for student cards through Student Portal and will be informed by the Help Desk once the card is ready.
• If a student needs to renew or replace the student ID card, they may submit a support request. You will be charged for renewal.
• You can get your Exam Entry Permit from Student Portal.
• You should have obtained 80% or above in a module to be eligible for an Exam of that module
• You should submit all the Assessment Components before a given deadline.
• If Attendance and Assessment submission does not meet the requirements, you will be ineligible for that module Exam.